For some of us, Mother’s Day is not a celebratory occasion.
We understand that people want to get together, celebrate, and spoil their moms.
Because our mothers deserve it for all they did for us.

So, what are people doing when Mother’s Day peeks around the corner, but it is hard for them because they have to live without them?
What about people who lost their moms and feel lonely and excluded on that specific day? – And people who still wished to celebrate their memories of their mothers?

“Mother’s Day without Mom” is a ceremonial event, gathering people who lost their moms.

It is a FREE community event.

Led and facilitated by me, a Life-Cycle Celebrant (also) specialized in Celebrations of Life, you are encouraged to join in sharing memories and stories about your mom, in groups of two or three people – because we all care.
We will be holding space together, coming together in the group with readings and comfort, incorporating ritual elements for our personal remembrance, listening, and honouring all our mothers in a gathering where we each can relate to our loss.
You are not alone; we will hold each other’s hearts.

You are invited to bring along your mom’s favourite dish and enjoy as a crowning end before the send-off (kitchen available to warm up food; free tea and coffee are available throughout the event).


Let’s make Mother’s Day a celebration again – Mother’s Day without Mom. Together. In loving memory.



Sunday, May 8th, 2022
11am (PDT) – duration will depend on the number of attendees, 1-2 hours.
(2339 BC-97 #430, Kelowna, BC V1X 4H9)

(If restrictions due to COVID-19 apply we will possibly provide an outdoor alternative, depending on the weather.)



Registration required: Reach out to alex@yourceremonybyalex.com (registration/info/questions),
or through the contact form.
Feel free to bring your loved one.


Because in sharing our grief we will discover something healing.